

Illumina’s integrated next generation sequencing instrument, uses reversible-terminator sequencing-by-synthesis technology to provide end-to-end sequencing solutions. The MiSeq instrument is one of the smallest benchtop sequencers that can perform onboard cluster generation, amplification, genomic DNA sequencing, and data analysis, including base calling, alignment and variant calling, in a single run. It performs both single- and paired-end runs with adjustable read lengths from 1 × 36 base pairs to 2 × 300 base pairs. It is the only remaining 4 color system instrument from Illumina with better capability for low complexity libraries.


The NextSeq2000 System utilizes innovative patterned flow cell technology, which offers an exceptional level of throughput for diverse sequencing applications. Patterned flow cells contain billions of nanowells at fixed locations, a design that provides even spacing of sequencing clusters. This delivers significant increases in sequencing reads and total output.  NextSeq2000 System is compatible with the latest XLEAP-SBS chemistry, a faster, higher quality, and more robust SBS chemistry built on the proven foundation of standard Illumina SBS chemistry. The system can perform rapid sequencing using various flowcells with increasing capacity ranging from 100 million single reads on P1 to 3.6 billion paired end reads on P4 flowcells.  This allows rapid turnaround for small project like sgRNA library screening or even whole exome and whole genome sequencing on P4 flow cells.. 

NanoString nCounter

The nCounter Pro Analysis System delivers highly reproducible expression data on 800+ targets with zero enzymatic steps using a simple automated workflow that requires only 15 minutes of hands-on time. Compatible with even the most difficult sample types, such as FFPE, you get robust performance that drives biomarker discovery and development

PacBio Onso

The PacBio Onso is a complete different system than their famous single molecule long read Revio system.  Onso is an innovative benchtop short-read DNA sequencing platform with an extraordinary level of accuracy using PacBio sequencing by binding (SBB) technology. Ultra-high Q40+ data quality allows researcher to break through limits of detection for special applications such as low frequency cancer mutation detection or cfDNA applications.  See our emerging technology section for details.